Friday, August 5, 2011


Jesus asked his disciples "Who do you say that I am?" In Matthew 16: 13-23, Peter gives a good catechism answer. Since he did not have catechism, his answer was more inspired by God. Our Catholic education tends to drop the inspiration, since we cannot control that, and focus on the catechism answers. Answers make us feel secure. But does it change us, transform us? My experience is no. Peter was still a coward and a liar.

Now we have a lot of focus on changing our mass. Well, Nazi Catholic soldiers working in the concentration camps, would go to mass in a nearby church, listen to the mass in Latin, and receive Holy Communion on the tongue while kneeling. Then they would go back to work and murder Jews. They were following orders. Maybe they were cowards then, just like Peter.

If religious education, sacraments and liturgy are not transforming people into all that Christ meant us to be, then what will? Crisis? Love? For me it is a prayer that takes me deeply into my heart or soul, beyond thoughts (knowledge) and feelings. In the darkness I encounter my Love, and my own shortcomings. I rest in all this, and let God do the work. Then the mass and religious education, reading, study, are a great source of spiritual growth. Look around. Who are the holy people in your life? Oh phooey, you mean I am not on your list!

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