Tuesday, September 3, 2013

School Lunches

Schools are losing money serving healthy foods, as in whole grains, fruits and veggies.  Children make up their mind pretty early on what they like, prefer, and will eat, given a choice.  Someone gave them a choice early on before they got to school.  I had a choice of whole wheat or white bread when I was little.  Dad said white bread was no good.  He ate whole wheat.  It had no taste.  It was boring.  I ate white.  I ate Wonder bread.  I never had to cultivate the taste for whole grains.  Over the years I have tried all kinds of "healthy" breads, including home baked.  They take a lot of butter and suggery jam to make them eatable.  I know people who eat only the healthy stuff.  They got brought up that way or got scared they were going to die/suffer/get fat if they ate what they like.  I run and eat white, enriched of course. Ever try potato white?   My dad lived to be 89 eating his whole wheat.  I may not make it on white.  Choice has a price.  Give a kid a choice, they go white bread.   Don't blame the school.  By then it is too late.  Whatever happened to lunch boxes?  With the thermas?

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of attending grade school ( 1 room -8 grades in 1st grade
    and 2 rooms -8 grades in 2nd thru 8th) in rural Wisconsin in the 1940's.
    No such thing as school lunches. Homemade bread mostly, Wonderbread
    did show up later. I traded my liverwurst sandwiches for peanut butter and lettuce. No such thing as vending machines. I could not stand tomato jam.
    I still like all kinds of 'healthy' bread but I am a big jelly and honey user so
    I suppose sugar prevails.
