Friday, December 27, 2013

Man Of The Year

Seems Pope Francis was made Time Magazine's "Man of the Year."  Bishops might take a second look at this.  What did Francis do?  He simply proclaimed the gospel and then lived it out in his own life.  This seems to be Evangelization 101.  Good News always attracts.  What do the bishops do?  They skip the gospel and go right into sex issues, or try and connect the gospel with sex issues.  Or they dwell on points of  Canon Law or liturgical correctness.  They bore or upset the media among others.  I now read homilies online given by Pope Francis.  They are quite good and relevant to our daily lives.  They drip of the good news of God's love.  My should bathes in it.  I rarely read a news column by a bishop.


  1. I have never really paid attention to the Popes. They were interesting in a historical sort-of-way. Pope Francis caused me to sit up and pay attention. I really really really like this man. I have hope.

  2. Fr. Terry, Is it possible for you to share the website for Pope Francis homily? Thank you a follower Happy New Year.
