Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spilled Blood

Forgiveness is hard to give, especially when we have suffered from someone else's mess, through no fault of our own.  To the innocent sufferer, forgiveness is like pouring out their own blood.  This is why it is often called the cross.  But Jesus, on his cross, said the people did not know what they were doing.  Forgiveness of someone who does know what they are doing is the kind of forgiveness that will change the innocent sufferer.  Change, transformation and forgiveness are all very difficult.  So don't beat yourself up too much if you find it slow going.  Be humble in the forgiveness area.  You are in very deep water.  But it is the water that gives us life and slacks our thirst for peace.


  1. This one touched my soul...
    Thank You.

  2. Fr Terry, Can you help me understand better the steps to transformation? Forgive all, daily prayer and reflection; I begin to see Christ in my neighbor; goals change but
    now what? God bless....

  3. Now what? If you do these things, you are in God's hands for sure and will be shown the next step when needed. let God be God

  4. Thank you for this. Your musings have helped my Lent be more thoughtful and prayerful
