Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Earthquake Myth

I just read that Emperor Justinian passed a law against sodomy because he thought it caused Earthquakes.  Two things strike me.  Was it OK before the law was passed?  Secondly, there seems to be a lot of fear and confusion about sodomy that has nothing to do with sodomy.  What is that fear?  Next time you are in an earthquake will you blame gay people?  Hope not.


  1. Fear and confusion about sodomy? Further explanation required

  2. "Corpus Juris Civilis" for old Justinian

  3. What are you trying to say????

  4. I am not familiar with the earthquake myth. It seems obvious to me that homosexuality and promiscuity in general has been widely condemned by society since the dawn of human history because it undermined societal health and stability. Today we seem to believe we can handle the risks.
