Thursday, May 14, 2015


Today I am ordained 38 years.  Who would have thought?  When I left San Francisco to go East to join the Paulist Fathers, some of my friends gave me three weeks to three months.  At times, I thought they may be right and I might be crazy.  Though I am crazy, they were wrong.  I guess God does not mind crazy.  With Grace one can grow out of crazy, or at least keep it at bay.  Here in San Francisco I will have dinner with three of my classmates.  They are each more talented than I am, but it is amazing to me how much good can be done by ordinariness with a good attitude.  I have given up on being talented but hold onto gratefulness.


  1. Congrats for your 38th year as a great priest. Boulder needs you back. Maybe too much time in San Francisco.

  2. I remember the night at Big Sur when you announced to the group of your plans and I admit, I was one of the doubters. Congratulations on your anniversary and proving me wrong!!

  3. Yes, I remember. I was a "project" as we say in sports.
