Monday, April 12, 2021


 I would like to be judged by my intentions which are generally good.  I wake up each morning and make my good intentions for the day.  But, unfortunately, I am judged by my actions, which do not generally follow my intentions.  I wake up and decide I will not be judgmental or resentful today.  If my plans don’t work out I intend to accept it.  Then reality of other people’s actions, situations and general mayhem show up.  All my unplanned reality says hello and I say, #%&^.  Not good.  I act and think in a negative way.  My response to reality is way beneath my intentions made earlier.  So my prayer when I wake up is often, “Oh God, spare me from myself. And spare others from me should self-will and self-pity run riot.”  Well, at least I start out with rigorous honesty!

1 comment:

  1. Father Terry, the rude uncaring selfish behavior of people, old friends or the stranger in the shop was the source of my anger, a real festering wound in me. Then, I recall, moms pearl ,
    Say a quick prayer for em, help others and remember what dad always said, well, there’s a fella with s...t for brains ...just saying
