Sunday, January 19, 2025

Hide And Seek

 Old people remember the game we played in the streets as kids.  It was called “Hide and Seek.”   You would try to hide somewhere so that the kid picked to find you, would not find you.  There was a goal, a spot on the street, or a tree, that decided who won.  If you could get to that spot before the searcher found and tagged you, then you won.  If not, the searcher or goalie won.  Meditation is like that in a way.  You hide, not from someone, but from your own surface self, of plans, ego, feelings, thoughts, and imaginations.  You hide behind desolation and darkness.  And God, Power, is the searcher.  The heart wants to be found,  The ego wants to get somewhere, a good feeling, a sense of success, a profound thought in meditation, as the goal.  Seek that and you will not be found by the God who dwells in that same secret desolation.  The heart wants to be found and the ego fights being found.  Wait and trust in your darkness and desolation.  God is there.  You will discover that your hidden place is a God place too.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Father Ryan, I love this ❤️
