Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Prophetic Voice

As I read the prophets in the Hebrew Scriptures, it seems that God is very focused on our change of heart toward our neighbor and God.  God wants love, caring for the poor, seeking peace, trust in God, and kindness.  Get rid of idols.  Today, that would be money, power, control, and popularity.  God does say something about the "depraved, immoral, abominations" of some people with regards to sex.  I get the sense that the prevailing notion was and still is, that the person who practiced "wrong" sex, was also uncaring, dismissive of the poor, selfish, and self-centered.

Two things. God does not seem to focus a lot on sex preferences.  And people can be good people in many ways but have a preference of which you do not approve.  Now what if you met a person of the "right" sort in their sexual preference but who was a real turd in every other way, and then met someone who was all the things that make us good, but who is not of your sexual persuasion?  Do you think God would disapprove of both equally?  I try not to read my limited brain into God's thinking.  I have met too many good people who live outside the box.  Whose box is it anyway?


  1. Father Terry,
    I think that our Church has "boxed" themselves in a bit. I have a friend; gay, Catholic, humble, sincere who has given up everything for the African orphans of Aids; all his money and all possessions he has given away for those poor kids. He said, "I miss the Eucharist most of all, but I'm no longer welcome in my church".
    I feel ashamed when I sit at mass, in my empty pew.

  2. If we are all sinners, why are only some sinners welcomed in the Church?
