Saturday, September 15, 2012

Change Or Else

David Brooks, a favorite columnist of mine, wrote about yet one more book, this one by Hanna Rosin, The End of Men.  Men are falling behind women in earning power because women adapt and men won't.  One of the reasons for this is that men, who were at the top in the old order are bound to cling to the old ways.  Catholic Church Hierarchy is ruled by men.  They are slow to change.  They say "Tradition."  Think "Rigid."  I find many people who cling to old ways of the church and other old traditions, out of a discomfort with changes in the modern world.  The church becomes a refuge for someone overwhelmed by job changes, geographic changes, and cultural changes.  If you had to move to another part of the country, do a whole new and less paying job, and the culture was most puzzling, wouldn't that old Latin Mass be a point of stability for you?  Fear, anxiety and denial are driving far more of the church engine than is Grace.

1 comment:

  1. Father, I can not speak for anyone else, but I seek to be transformed by Christ in this world. I believe that Christ is alive today in each one of us. But I seek the truth and I need the spiritual honesty that you always give.
