Monday, January 7, 2013


A deer has big ears.  Their eyes can see all around them, not just what is in front of them.  Why?  They are bred to beware of danger.  A sound, a movement alerts them.  With good health and food, they can live a long deer life.  They are smart, but we tend to call animals, "dumb," relative to us humans.  

Well, who is dumber?  We drive our cars while using our cell phones.  We cross the street wherever and whenever it suits us.  We ride our bikes without reflectors or helmets.  We eat junk food. We drink and drive.  When tired we take energy drinks, rather than rest.  Lots of danger, no?  I think that I can learn a lot from a deer, and not too much from watching human behavior.  People ask me why I meditate?  Well, it gets me out of focusing on my human brain.  To rely on my own thinking is to live a very dangerous life.   

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