Friday, March 1, 2013

Sede Vacante

Well, the Chair of Peter is vacant as of today.  No pope.  How is my life different?  Not at all really.  Except I have no one the blame for the mess in the Church.  Actually, I have one less person to blame for the mess, since Benedict just retired.  I would not want to blame me!  I could not be part of the problem, right?  Say it isn't so.  


  1. The saying goes like this
    "If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen"
    Just because he's retired doesn't make him less guilty for all the cover ups
    While in office
    I think the internal politics got to him and he couldn't deal with it
    Probably better for the institution that he left!

  2. Today we have no pope; but out of this springs hope...eternal! This is a great day for the Church and we should rejoice and pray and be grateful that we live in these troubled times.
