Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I came into the chapel and thought, "I am so bored having to sing these same old psalms."  Then the thought struck me, that God might be bored with my same old sins.  I don't seem to have new and exciting sins.  It is the same old recycled stuff.  Am I boring to God? Just think, the reason you did not make it into paradise is not that you were too bad.  It was that you were too boring in your badness.  Would you want to go to any gathering that is filled with boring people, doing the same old stuff over and over again, stuff that is not so good, yet boring in its repetitiveness?  I would not want to be there.  So why should God want such people in paradise?  I sometimes say, "Oh, those good people, they are so boring."  Maybe I need a new pair of glasses to see who is really boring.  

1 comment:

  1. Don't be so hard on yourself...
    It was just a thought that passed through your consciousness like a million others that stream through
    Our minds.
    Did you act on it and leave the chapel?
    It's what you do or don't do with the thoughts that is important.
    Your sounding a bit down on yourself lately...
    What's going on?
