Monday, July 29, 2013


The pope says that money, power, and pleasure, are things we should beware of, or not make the focus of our life.  Well, life is a compromise.  His native country, Argentina, was at the same economic level as the USA back about 1920.  We went entreprenurial and they went to govenment redistributing money, but not making anything.  That is what government is good at.  It takes money someone else made, taxes it, and then redistributes it around.  But you have to have risk taker people too.  You need people who are willing to invest and try to produce something.  These people seem to like money, power and pleasure.  Government has its place in all this.  It is to encourage investment, pass laws, and be a watchdog.  Monitor but don't stiffle free market economics.  It is  balancing act for sure.  I will live with the lovers of money, power and pleasure, as long as the government has my back.


  1. I agree with Pope Francis - money power and pleasure should NOT be the focus of life. I kind of always got the impression from your writing that you felt that way too. I always thought you felt God should be the focus and our lives should be a prayer that honors him.

    It's not money and power that are bad, - it tends to crowd God out , that's what I've observed.

  2. Balance. Balance. Balance. I must pray daily, hourly, moment by moment, for the wisdom to know balance. Those things which give us strength and skill (power?) as well as sensory beauty (pleasure?) are gifts from God. How to balance in this modern USA with our bureacracies, our victims and predators, is the challenge. I must pray, but I must act. God grant me the serenity.
