Saturday, November 16, 2013


Seems that an Argentine Cathedral had its annual interfaith event, but this time there was a protest from a group that said the non-Christians there worshipped false gods and should be kept out of the sacred church space.  The protestors were called, "conservatives," which I think is a put down of religiously conservative people.  These protestors are not conservatives.  A conservative, like a liberal, has a theological position that has some history and substance, from different points of view.  These protestors have no theological position.  An interfaith service brings together people who believe in God, the same God, but differ as to substance, identity, and history of God.  But it is all the same God.  So the protestors are not really about theology, they are about fear.  Because Francis is Pope, these people are frightened that the Catholic Church as they know it, their comfort zone, is changing.  Church for them has to have a certainty, with no ambiguity, in which they can feel comfortable.  They need correct religion.  "NO salvation outside the Catholic Church," would suit them just fine.  They make public protest, because they simply cannot walk away.  To live without the correct church is too frightening.  For a liberal, there is no public protest.  They protest with their feet.  They walk away.  Their God is not going to punish them for this.  Those who have given up or ignored religion because they are too lazy to engage it, don't call them liberal.  Lazy or self-centered is not liberal.

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