Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I have a personal interest in Atlanta's debacle with its 2+inches of snow.  I have been trying to get there for three days and three flight cancellations.  What can I learn from all this?
1. Don't whine.  Be thankful I am not the Governor of Georgia.
2. I have no control over the weather.  Acceptance
3. Do what I can do in changing reservations and then light a candle. Wait
4. Try to be of use.  It is better than worrying and does more good in this case
5. Anger won't get me to Atlanta any faster than serenity, but will be more painful, to me and surely to others.
6. Laugh.  I am in San Francisco, not Georgia.  Suffering is easier here than there.
7. Ask God to send the snow out here since Georgia does not know what to do with it and we are in a drought.
By the time you read this, I hope to be working in Florida.  I need to avoid Debtor's Prison.


  1. Maybe it's a sign, you are needed in San Francisco. We could have a second collection for Fr. Terry.

  2. So where are you on Wednesday Feb. 5, 2014. We are at 14 below zero this morning. Hope you made it to your final destination. At least it's warmer then here in Boulder.
