Thursday, September 11, 2014

Timely Grace

Grace overwhelms me in its timeliness.  God is at work.  Recently, I was the Saturday confession priest.  I was in one of those narlie moods, unfit to offer much compassion and love.  Fortunately, the first half hour of confessions did not extend my few spiritual resources at the time.  Then there was a lull.  The confessional was cold, a ready excuse to be out of sorts.  I went home to get my heating pad and woolen prayer shawl.  I came back and got comfy in the confessional.  Still a lull.  I settled into a quiet time of deep stillness and silence.  Mood changed.  Grace arrived.  Then a women came to confession who needed lots of compassion, kindness, patience and a listening ear.  I was on my "A" game!  God was a work through me.  She left comforted.  She seemed to know who I was.  Then  someone came face to face.  She was a beautiful young girl.  She needed the same compassion, etc, and just the right words to help her.  Her good looks did not distract me.  God again worked through me.  After these two confessions, I realized what a gift it is for me to be a priest if I can be open to God's power, God's grace.  It is totally unearned.  I am as much of a mess as anyone who comes to confession.  God uses me.  If I were God, I would use someone more perfect.  I am work for God.  Are you not amazed at times at the good you do in spite of yourself, your shortcomings and sheer humanness?  I am.


  1. I am so amazed at God's goodness, how He uses me and you. All we have to do is ask. I love you Fr. Terry.

  2. Thank you for this. It was what I needed to read today. And thank God for your A game - it is really A plus.

  3. You are an example of Henri Nouwen's "The Wounded Healer" in which he said: ...his service will not be perceived as authentic unless it comes from a heart wounded by the suffering about which he speaks." Thank you for being you.

  4. So beautifully and nakedly honest ...
    thank you for sharing ... you are indeed a humble priest .
