Sunday, October 12, 2014


As we age we are supposed to grow in wisdom.  I seem to be going in the other direction.  For quite some time now I have been using a garage door opener from the house to automatically open the garage door when I go outside.  My other method is to leave a door open that goes into the garage, but this is frequently relocked by someone.  At times, usually in the worst of weather or when I am in a hurry, I leave the house without the garage door opener, and then find that the door to the garage has been relocked.  Bad mood, grumbling, whining follow.  Today, as I was just about to go into the garage, having used my garage door opener, I noticed a key pad on the side of the garage entrance.  Then I noticed that each of the three garage doors had their own keypad.  Voila!  Cobwebs of my mind were shaken out and the memory of a keypad having been mounted some FOUR YEARS ago came back to me.  Of course, I had no idea of the PIN code, but a phone call to the one who mounted the keypad gave me that information.  As I wallowed in humiliation, humility came.  God loves me in spite of my silliness and forgetfulness.  When I think I am so centered, I get a wake up call that I am still very much scattered, but yet very much loved.  I earned the scattered.  The Love is Free! Do you ever have long-term silliness?


  1. ...for a really long time. Isn't it fun. Serious, silly, serious, silly ...always loved.

  2. Plan to be in St. Patrick's next Sunday and will say a prayer for you.
