Friday, October 10, 2014

The I or the Eye

When I first heard the phrase, "His 'I's are too close together," I thought that it was about the eye in the head.  I did not think that the person's eyes were anything but normal distance apart.  Then it got explained to me.  When we try to impress, and I know this to be a guy thing, we tend to talk about ourselves.  We keep saying, "I."  I this and I that.  When I reflected, I realized that I have had this as one of my faults.  When I speak too much "I" one of two things happen.  People change the subject, or they tend to excuse themselves.  I talk all about me.  I am not into listening or asking about the other person or persons.  Seems there are a lot of "I" in this blog.  No wonder people don't read me.  But ladies, is this a problem with women too?  See, I am asking a question, ready to listen.  I can grow.  It is not too late.


  1. My understanding of a blog is that it is more or less an online diary in which one reflects upon one's life and personal experiences for the edification of others---in that case, it seems to me, that avoiding the I word is literally impossible.

  2. We learn from all of your "I" stories. Some of your stories are like confessions to all of your readers so, I for one :-), enjoy your "I"s.

  3. I see that you are always learning which is one of the big reasons that we are here. Better humans make a better earth etc. I wonder if the three priests in the house have a sense of family with each other ? Do you eat dinner together, discuss things or is it a holy house.?
