Thursday, January 22, 2015

Marginalized Men

It seems that a once powerful hierarch in the church thinks that since the 60s, i.e. after Vatican II reforms, the church has a feminized influence that has marginalized men.  I have a thought on this.  Men who take more power than is right do so because they feel insecure with big egos but low self esteem.  Women get the short end of the power stick.  The twentieth century saw the rise of women in the power equation.  Insecure men fought back.  Women would not be cowered.  So such men cowered and stopped even fulfilling their proper roles.  Women did not marginalize men.  Men did it to themselves.  They were like bullies who can only be bullies as long as everyone allows it.  But once someone fights back, the bully becomes much diminished.  Many men do not know how to be right sized.  Women have found their power.  Men need to be mentored to find their right power in this new structure.  Whenever women find problems with male power,  e.g. glass ceilings, it is usually because of the insecurity of the men.  The good ole boy's club is a safe haven for such men.  Not a few young men seek priesthood as a way to have power that the modern world would never stomach.  Just a thought.