Thursday, January 8, 2015

Two Women Dream

In my vivid dream, there are two women.  They are siblings.  They both love me and I love them, but I have to choose in the dream.  I tell the one I seem to love from the heart that I will choose the other sister because she has a background in something that will care for me as I fall apart, such as nursing.  Later I realize my heart is not into this choice.  I have made my choice based upon fear and self-interest.  I go to the one I love from the heart to apologize, ask forgiveness and take me back.  She is not hateful at all, and still loves me.  I think she will take me back as the alarm goes off.  God is the one I love but I often make choices based upon fear of future or some other self-interest.  I let fear deny my heart.  May 2015 be a year of good choices!  God talks to us even when we are sleeping.  God never gives up.

1 comment:

  1. There is no where God is not - even your dreams and the dreams of the sisters. God is in them too.
