Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Mom At The Table

My Dad was always even a faster eater than I was, and he was right-handed.  He proved that fast eaters could find a wife.  It was not passed down to his son.  After I became a priest, dripping with Grace, I would visit with my parents now and again.  My Mom spoiled me and cooked dinners for me. I noticed that my Dad would finish dinner and get up from the table before my Mom would be even half-way through.  She was a slow eater as far as I was concerned.  But dripping with Grace, I decided to eat slower which you can do if you put the utensils down now and again.  I would still finish ahead of Mom but not so much.  I would then sit with her at the table and "visit," as we Irish would say.  I would ask her things about herself or whatever else, and just listen as if I had nothing else to do.  We never ate dessert right after dinner anyway.  We always waited a while to after clean up.  Spoiled priest son did not have to clean up much at all.  Dripping grace has benefits beyond holiness.  I became a good son.  Even my sister Maureen was impressed, and that is saying something.

1 comment:

  1. You sound like a very loving son. We still say visit. However , when I say after dinner,"'Let's go into the other room" the youngsters say "which one?" I grew up knowing it meant living room--probably sitting room in Ireland.
