Tuesday, September 15, 2015


I looked at the list of countries in Europe who were taking immigrants from the Middle East.  More than one of these countries that are opening their doors to immigrants are doing so in part because such countries are losing population.  Germans are not having sufficient German children to replace the dying Germans.  This vast migration of people is bringing children and young people, parents, to places that are lacking them.  Many of these immigrants are actually Arab Christians.  Hungary did not want to take any immigrants because one Hungarian official said that Hungary wanted to hold onto its Christian roots.  These European countries that take in immigrants will become exposed to the Islamic and Arab Christian world.  For so long there has been a geographic ethnic and religious separation of peoples.  We don't get to know and experience one another.  What would it be like for an Islamic family to be exposed to Dollywood in East Tennessee?  As a New Yorker, and an East Tennessee outsider, that is, Yankee, I thought Dollywood would be kind of silly and boring.  Was I wrong!  Dollywood is wonderful. The food, the rides, the shows, are all so much East Tennessee.  When we hide out in our little worlds all we preserve is narrow-mindedness.  Now if someone from East Tennessee were to visit the Bronx or Radio City Music Hall and the Rockettes...well, that might be too much.  I will have to ask my friend Moira, an East Tennessee girl.

1 comment:

  1. We have consumed the natural world to expand our own species. Over-population in Europe powered the destruction of so much of the American Indian cultures. I love children too but I think there must be a spiritually enlightened way -- and perhaps these refugees are part of the answer -- to reduce population and consumption in the developed world so that future generations can enjoy the natural world God gave us in greater peace.
