Thursday, September 3, 2015


There was this Old Testament prophet who warned the people that it was not enough to have faith in the correct God.  They actually had to do something.  Jeremiah said that they had to show mercy and justice.  This reminds me of Pope Francis who is not very popular with a few of the Vatican Cardinals and bishops.  Seems in Jeremiah's time there was a yawning gap between the rich and the poor.  Sound like anything we hear today?  I find that a lot of us have orthodox belief and worship on the Sabbath, but are not much for the action that Francis and ole Jeremiah calls for.  Jeremiah did not have too many friends and even had to go underground for awhile.  Sure enough, Jeremiah lived to see the Temple destroyed and Jerusalem burned down.  Stuff happens when all you have is catechism faith and worship.

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