Saturday, October 3, 2015


I tend to "blame" someone or something for the reason I am late for an event or meeting. I rarely blame "me."  It is never my fault.  It is never about being self-absorbed.  I may tend to do that one more "so important" thing.  Or I choose to do, eat, get something that ate up time.  Then I blame the traffic, even though there is always traffic.  When I start out this way, it tends to bleed over into interactions with people.  Things are their fault when things do not work out according to my plan.  My plans are fine.  People are uncooperative.  Can not they read my mind?  Each day, there is always that one more thing to be done, that if I leave it undone at the moment, I will be on time, the world will go on with my undone thing, and only people like me with their plans, will be upset.  It is the domino effect.  So I try to begin each day by being on time for the first thing I have to do.  And if that happens to be prayer and meditation, so much the better.

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