Friday, February 19, 2016


I am not much on fasting from things I eat or drink.  I find it to be, for me, too egotistical.  I will give something up for forty days of Lent and then congratulate myself for being "tough."  "I am not wimpy believer."  The problem is, after forty days of fasting I am still the same person.  I have all my old faults but none of the humility that recognizes I am too weak to overcome these shortcomings.  I prefer to do something that focuses on an area of my life in which I would like to improve in behavior, attitude, relationships, or motives for doing things.  I am down in sunny Florida now for some work and people are telling me how wonderful I am.  So I guess I don't have any more faults?  I need to spend more time in Florida!

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