Friday, September 29, 2017

Loss Plus Loss Equals Lost

Why do we sometimes lose something as a response to losing something?  It seems insane, and it is.  Example: someone loses a loved one to death, and the survivor responds by getting drunk or drugged.  Not only has the person lost a loved one.  They have now lost sobriety.  I had found this to be an escape from pain, until it was pointed out to me that loss as a response to loss is not very effective as a solution to anything.
You never get back the first loss by a second loss.  Someone loses a relationship.  Response?  A geographic.  They move.  Now they have lost roots, friends, community, and the relationship is still over.  You lose an argument, a bet, your keys, your wallet, purse.  Response?  You lose your temper. You get all angry, but this does not find any lost item.  Co-ed goes to frat party.  Loses sobriety.  Response?  Loses self-respect.  Hangovers never go away by waking up with strangers.  Finally, I lose time by losing myself in fantasy.

1 comment:

  1. Does the fraternity brother lose his self respect too in this scenario?
