Saturday, December 1, 2018


Recently, I went on my first field trip with children, grades 3, 4, and 5.  I was to be the priest presence.  “Why am I doing this?” I asked myself when I woke up.  I was into isolation mode, mixed with low levels of caring for children.  I meditated, and then said OK lets do this.  I was trying to fake being a holy and caring priest as I walked over to meet everyone at the school.  Someone handed me a piece of paper that said I was in charge of five urchins, I mean children.  What!  This was not in the contract.  I could not complain and whine.  I was wearing my collar and clerical shirt.  I had to fake love and interest.  One of the women in the car I was in had a bad cold.  What next!  I will get the flu.  Why does God hate me?  But she got drugs from her doctor.  Great.  She was supposed to be my assistant with the children I had to watch.  Then everything changed.  A miracle!  It was a wonderful ride down and back.  The children were fascinating to watch what they enjoyed at this hands on museum and how they interacted with one another.  I don’t think any of them cared one way or the other that I was there, but it was an experience for me that widened my horizons.  I learned a I got a chocolate treat and a cappuccino!  Sometimes it is best to shut up and let God play things out.  I had a wonderful day.  Better than isolation and self-implosion.  But I am glad I am a priest.  No kids.  Too much high maintenance.  I am high maintenance enough!

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