Friday, February 1, 2019


Why do you get angry when you try to correct another person?  Does your anger really change them? Maybe they will repent for the moment, but no one changes overnight from bearing another’s anger.  So what does anger do in that situation?  As a wise wisdom figure once said, “You gratify your own passion.”  For the moment you get out your feeling of anger and maybe feel good...for the moment.  If you feel good for a long time after, you may need some help.  If you are a good person, you will soon feel badly that you got angry.  “Why did I do that,” you ask yourself.  It changed nothing of this traffic jam I am in or the driving habits of that person I just flipped off.  Does you child actually start making their bed from now on?  You say that you must have some control.  You cannot just let things be.  If so, I begin by trying to control my anger.

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