Tuesday, February 12, 2019

God In Your Boat

Fr. Terry Ryan, CSP
Luke 5: 1-11
February 10, 2019

Many of us like to use aging as our excuse not to do something.  “I am too old, or too busy for this or that new task,” is what we tend to say or think.  This is our response if we think that God wants us to do something or if someone else even hints at a new task.  Peter had an excuse after God gave him all that abundance of fish.  Peter says, “Go away Lord.  I am not a good person.”  We think that Peter is being humble.  Perhaps.  But I think it is more of an excuse to not get involved with this Jesus person.  Notice that he did not invite Jesus to put the fish back into the Lake or release them from his nets.  We love to take the good stuff from God at whatever age, but when God wants something in return we come up with an excuse.  

Lots of us are always asking God for this or that, but we do not think in our asking, that God might like to ask something of us.  Would we make so many requests if we thought that we would have to change our life or our will to conform to something God might want?  

We do not have to be a particularly good person at the moment, or have energy or even desire to do what God may want.  God provides.  Peter was to learn this.  God does not ask the impossible.  It is only we ourselves who see limitations or use limitations as our way to get out of doing God’s will.  

So be careful about letting God into the boat of your life and your daily activities.  If you ask God for something, that is letting God into your boat.  You get upset when God does not give you what you want?  Be glad God does not get upset with you for failing to do what God wants. 

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