Saturday, March 28, 2020

My Birthday

Today is my birthday.  Two months ago I was looking forward to a party.  My Mom always made a big deal of birthdays when I was growing up.  I got a chocolate cake fresh from the bakery, and presents.  As an adult I became disappointed when people ignored my birthday, no party, no cards, nothing.  Then I realized that a lot of people grew up with birthdays being no  big deal.  Sad.  So I became my own agent for advertising my birthday which is obnoxious to some so I try to do it only with people who I think have a birthday celebrating capacity.  Then comes Covid 19.  Cannot get around that.  So I guess I will be socially isolating today with some hope that chocolate cake will show up at my front door, socially isolated of course.  Maybe no candles to blow out but no one is getting everything they want these days, but we do try to get what we need.  I will take love even if it must be 12 feet away or socially isolated.  Anyway, Happy Birthday to me!


  1. Fr.Ryan,May the Joy you have spread in the past come back to you this day. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday Terry! When you come to Sacramento I will make you a chocolate cake - candles 🕯 and everything!1

  3. Happy Birthday Fr. Terry!!
    Moira Ely

  4. Father Terry. Here is wishing you Happy Birthday from College Station, TX. You are loved by so many people. You are blessed. Once this social distancing is over, come to visit us.

  5. Happy Birthday Terry! We'd love to take you out next time your in SF! We"ll celebrate then. Lisa

  6. happy happy terry. I used to have a big party for myself on my birthday so no one would forget. in my mind i am coming to a big party for you do I have to dress up? thinking of you on this sunny day. give yourself birthday �� ��❄️⛄️����������. ❤️❤️❤️joan

  7. Happy birthday Father Ryan! In our family we can't hold a tune, so please forgive me but I'll do my best- Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday Father Ryan! Happy birthday to you! You are so loved and I wish you the best! :)
