Sunday, April 19, 2020


In this stay in place and social distancing, people feel that their freedom has been taken away.  Hmm. Freedom for what?  People want to be free to go out and do what they want with whom they want.  But I think that now we get to take another look at this “freedom.”  A lot of the impetus for going out and doing stuff, is fear that we will miss something, or slavery to emotions, passions that kept us on the go when we had our so called “freedom.”  Without interior freedom, we are just slaves of our emotions.  Alcoholics are not just slaves to liquor, bu slaves to the feelings that they tried to limit with drinking.  Then the solution became the problem.  So maybe the solution to impulse, fear, being with oneself, is not getting out of the house, but getting into one’s interior life.  This is a great time for solitude for some of us.  In families, a time to learn to let Mom and Dad be, rather than be the solution to your unhappiness or boredom.  And I find limiting sugar helps stillness be still.


  1. Oh taste and see that the
    Lord is good?

  2. Freedom is peace and happiness in one interior life
