Wednesday, April 29, 2020


I often talk about selfishness and lack of compassion for others.  But when I look at myself, I need to keep a balance.  False pride says I should do better, not make mistakes, or be imperfect.  Becoming angry at myself for messing up, filling my emotional cup with guilt and shame, have never done much to change me over the long course.  These are short term emotional energy solutions at best.  What I need to practice is SELF-COMPASSION.   Look for progress and stop with this bar of perfection.  It is too high for any human.  I seem to have little problem recognizing my faults, and can admit them to myself and others at times, but then I need to be a little gentle with myself, not beat myself up or punish myself for being ME!  Just do the next right thing, and maybe have some chocolate to well, just have some chocolate.  Does one need a reason?

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