Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Spirituality Prepared

Following the rules of a religion or believing in its creed is never enough to prepare a person for reality.  I have found many a person who has abandoned organized religion and belief in a Deity, because reality showed up and they had no spiritual depth to face it.  Like what?  Well, you obey the rules, and in my religion, that is going to church on Sabbath for instance, you profess belief in your religion's creed/dogma, and then reality happens.  You ask your Deity for help, that is, to get the results you want and think is fair, but the opposite happens.  Reality is often the opposite of what one wants.  The result?  Your hopes are shattered.  Your religion and Deity did not come through, so you abandon both.  If I am going to have an ongoing relationship with a Deity and face life on life's terms, then I am going to have to have some spiritual life of depth, that I only get with deep meditation where I stop focusing on me and my plans and let This Power act on my innards, my spiritual innards.  Often, non-belief is merely a resentment against reality.  

1 comment:

  1. As human we are imperfect any disappointment we start to resent the universe if only we know what the big picture the universe have us in for . Be grateful be unselfish radiate unconditional love
    you never know what's round the corner
