Wednesday, June 2, 2021


 I often hear that one should be helpful to others, and this is envisioned as some physical activity, even to the activity of being a good listener.  Well and good, but don’t short change an inner attitude of serenity.  I think that I am of service to those around me, simply by my serenity.  Acting with a simple and quiet acceptance when something does not go as I thought or wanted is being serene.  Or maybe it is my quiet but useful response to a sudden disaster or mishap around the house or workplace.  I don’t always have to be actively doing something to be of service to another.  A person may be in some inner turmoil and being around me might calm them or make them ask whey I seem so quiet and calm and they do not.  Each morning I try to turn my anxieties over to God and then go about my day.  I try no to make too many plans or have too many goals as I only have the same 24 hours as everyone else.  If I try to do too much, I tend to do too little.  


  1. I love everything about this. :) Thank you so much, Father Ryan. Hugs across the miles!

  2. Once again, your thoughts hit me at exactly the moment that I needed. Giving my anxieties to God today Fr Terry
