Tuesday, June 8, 2021


 I am not in a monastery to become a monk and drop my old identity.  Rather I am here to be me, to be or become who God made me to be.  In the world out there I might be who you want me to be, or who I am expected to be by someone I see as authority or power in my life.  Or I try to be a fantasy me based upon some public or entertainment person.  Usually, that would be hair style, clothes, manner and things I buy. In the monastery I am free to find the me whoGod made me to be.  And what might that be?  Well, it is a Christian monastery, so I am meant be be Christ, but not a holy card Christ, or kitch image of pious Christianity.  I am meant to be Christ as me.  I don’t try to be like someone, but rather to be like me and if I can do that Christ will be revealed.  It is a lot of letting go around here and that can be tough, but then such is becoming oneself.  As Dan Berrigan said, “If you are going to be a Christian you had better be good on wood.”

1 comment:

  1. So great to find your blog...I am not a social media person but for some reason I found this. I love the post and especially Gods Cathedral. God is everywhere in everything and we don’t need the material to enhance the spiritual. So wonderful to see you again...Deidre Diener..I was in Knoxville but have moved to Chattanooga.
