Friday, February 17, 2023


 Journey comes from the word, Journee, which means the distance you can cover in a day.  It comes from a time when roads were not much in France and other places after the demise of the old Roman Empire.  So when we speak about being on a spiritual journey, we are really referring to what we are doing for one one, this present day.  It is a One Day At A Time, but each day is connected.  To skip even one day, is to break the journey, and then we have to pick up again.  Sometimes, it can seem like starting over, especially if we have gotten out of the habit of the daily practice.  And if one is not journeying that day, what is one doing?  Wandering around?  Taking a break?  The problem with the break is that we don’t always get back on the path again.  Or we start in the opposite direction.  So I wake up each day and hopefully say, “Let the journey continue.”