Monday, February 20, 2023

No Sense Prayer

 I know people in the Catholic Church who go to Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, as it is called, because it makes them feel good.  Well, that is a start.  But if you want to deepen your prayer life, so that you actually become a better person, then go and pray when it makes no sense.  Why?  Because prayer, to make a real difference in our life, needs to be done at the level beneath senses, feelings.  We need to pray when we don't want to.  This works on self-will.  Pray when we feel nothing.  This is surrender.  If you only meditate when it makes you feel good, meditation won't be done for long, or regularly, or become a difference maker.  If you love only when it makes you feel good, you won't love anyone for long.