Thursday, July 20, 2023


 The “I” of an individual is not the same as the “I” of a person. What? An individual has separate clear cut boundaries.  This would fit into an identification on a driver license and a social security number.  An individual need have no relation with anyone else to be an individual.  “Person” on the other hand is relational.  Person does not exist without a connection or bond to someone else.  Their “I” of person is relational, and therefore not separate unto itself as would be an individual.  The Trinity of God in Christianity is not three separate gods, or individuals, but rather three relationships that make for One.  Marriage would be relational within two persons.  The two are no longer two but one.  If either tries to hold onto their “individuality” their separateness, bad things and misery are down the road.  Individuals all share one thing, loneliness.  

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