Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Hanging On

 Sects, fundamentalists, tend to hang on to the past or seek to go back to the past.  Mystics tend to let go.  It is why they are so far apart in approach to things spiritual.  The mystic senses that the world is evolving, that is the whole universe including ourselves and our ideas.  What made sense to people long ago was in part because that was the “current” way of thinking and so made sense.  But with new knowledge and insight in our 21st century world, the past becomes not such a good fit.  We study to learn from the past but not to repeat it.  Down the road, someday, we will learn new things about addiction and new ways to deal with it, to “recover.”  If AA is spiritual it will let go of what it knows from the 20th century and embrace this new discovery.  If it is a religion, it will hold on to what it has and put down the new as “nonsense.”  

1 comment:

  1. Living in the past will play havelock with today, but to ignore the past will destroy tomorrow.
