Thursday, November 28, 2024

The Mountain

 You can see a mountain top from a distance, but seeing it does not get you there.  You have to climb to the top.  In climbing, the path often obscures the view of the mountain altogether.  You just seem to see the path. If you stay on the path you will reach the top of the mountain.  The experience of being on the mountain top is most often better than seeing it from afar.  So it is on any spiritual journey or recovery.  You can see, through others, in reading, the place where you want to be.  But seeing it in others does not get you there.  You have to get on a daily path.  Often the goal you seek is hidden by daily efforts, daily life, obstacles along the path.  But if you stay on the path, you will get there in due time.  And Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. It's amazing what can happen when you put one foot in front of the other each day on your path. Such a gift! Happy Thanksgiving, Father Ryan -- so very thankful for you and your blog each morning! 🤗🥰✨️💖✨️🌷

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
