Sunday, November 3, 2024

The No Experience Prayer

 Why must you have an experience, an emotional buzz, a nourishing feeling or thought when you pray?  This is all about self.  Sometimes, to get out of self, we are given nothing but blah, blah when we pray.  It feels like nothing is going on.  Yet, beneath all these “abandoned” feelings, something very deep is going on, but we cannot always connect to it.  The solution?  Just keep on praying in some disciplined fashion.  You don’t need to change books or position you sit in or walk.  Just stay with it.  Eventually this dark night, this seeming emptiness, will pass.  Prayer is not all about you.  It is relationship.  It is about becoming One.  It will take time, especially if you started out praying, to get something.  


  1. Thank you for your blogs….very helpful!

  2. yes
    That is the Zen approach.I just get into it and tak e it to wherever it leads me.
