Monday, May 14, 2012

35 Years

Today is the 35th anniversary of my ordination.  There were times early on in my priesthood when I would forget this date until some one of my classmates reminded me.  But in the last few years, I do not forget.  To be a priest, with all my faults, for 35 years is a miracle.  It is Grace rather than aptitude that has worked all these years.  Today, I quietly celebrate the miracle.

I have found that when I am doing the work or living in a manner that is truly who God made me to be, I am quite kind and compassionate.  When I try to do things that are really not me, out of guilt or "duty" I become unkind, impatient, and whiny.  I cannot be some other priest or a poster for vocations.  I can only be the unique me whom God has called to live this life.  Each day I need to take time out to meditate, to slow down, so that I can ask, "How do you want me to live your gift today, Lord?"  You might try this in your own life, assuming you have figured out who you are and how to live it out.

1 comment:

  1. I never knew how tough it is to be a priest or what a big job {?} it is until I started going to your workshops.
