Sunday, May 13, 2012

Being You

Jesus said that if you remain in him then you will do what he commanded, and vice versa.  What is this all about?  To me, God made each of us to live a unique way, with our special talents, or gifts.  When we live from our core, our soul, then we are most who God made us to be and we are close to God.  This is the part about "remaining in me."  Living from our truest self we can more easily love, even heroically love, which is the "commandment" part.

This becomes apparent when you have days where you don't feel very loving, you are not very kind or patient or compassionate.  What happened?  Well, you are probably not living true to who your are.  You might be working way beyond your energy level, or doing something that you have no business doing, maybe acting out of "duty" or guilt.  When you live from within yourself, even difficult things become a bit easier.  So, the spiritual journey is not so much about more prayer, more pious devotions.  It is about finding out who you are.  This is not the same as what you do for a living.  You could be an accountant, but be someone who is their best when compassionate, or a good listener.  But if being an accountant is so much out of sync with your true self, then you will be miserable and so will your clients, if you have any!

1 comment:

  1. I don't see a lot of comments here but I want you to know that I stop here and read your words every few days because they are wonderful. They help me slow down. Thank you.
