Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Rich Young Man

A fellow comes to Jesus and wants to know what more he must do besides follow the rules in order to get into heaven.  Jesus says famously, "Sell all you have.  Give to the poor, and come follow me."  I am pathetic.  Not only do I have a lot of stuff, but it is a lot of junk stuff that not even the poor would want.  Junk and clutter would keep me from following Jesus.  Well I have a choice.  A dumpster or go shopping.  Habits are hard to break.  I'll put off the dumpster for another day.  I wonder if there is storage in hell?

1 comment:

  1. The difficult thing about junk and clutter is that it often mirrors the junk and clutter in the mind and body. And since the mind/body connection is
    so strongly connected to the spiritual it tends in my experience to get in the way of a clear path to the Source. I try to dump or sell one thing per week. So hard at first but it gets better as the weeks go by. And it actually becomes freeing. I also am aware that faced with a weekly deadline of one thing per week, I find out what I really can let go of, and what is really important to keep.....most I can let go of with only a small pain in the heart, and it lasts a short time....
    This is prayer for me.
    And dicipline....
    Many correlations to the spiritual path...not for wimps this path
