Friday, July 27, 2012


I hear that we are supposed to "evangelize," get people all fired up about the faith/church.  Well, I would not want to get people too fired up.  What if they are unbalanced, immature, needy.  Look at those Legionnaries.  They were a bunch of guys all fired up, and women too.  Their founder and leader was a mess, but they would not look at that, even though info was around from back in the 90s.  The priests took oaths never to criticize the boss.  He was sure covering for himself with that one.  These guys were all fired up, but they were not all grown up.  I work at being grown up, and for me this is a daily job.  Grace builds on nature.  Weren't the witch hunters all fired up back in Salem, MA in the 17th century?  Too many times when people of religion get all fired up, they seem to kill people who don't agree with them, or try and be rid of the opposition in a more acceptable fashion.

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