Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Just be?

It seems that if you are not accepted, cherished or loved as a child simply for being you, then you might end up trying to get such acceptance by achieving things.  Work becomes a way of enhancing your self-esteem.  I think that each of us has ourself as a child, inside of us.  I try to attend to the little me inside each day.  How?  Well, if I find myself working hard and being irritated, then I stop and imagine giving my little self a hug of unconditional love.  We have to take care of ourselves!  Jesus said to become like little children and then come to him for love, not for catechism, a lecture or a scolding.  But his close followers did not seem to like this.  Didn't they become the first bishops?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you - such a simple goal to love ourselves - even just a little. From there the love can radiate. For what is God but love and when we nurture love we more closely follow.
