Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Invisible Connection

The day I was born, Sergei Rachmaninoff died.  He was a great composer of classical music and pianist.  He was left-handed.  I was born left-handed.  We are all more connected than we realize.  I like to think that when I do something selfless, it is not only me who benefits.  A little goodness is spread throughout the world in ways I am not aware.  Jesus rose from the dead, so some of us believe.  That event seemed to make a difference far beyond the empty tomb.  Do something kind today even if you think that no one notices.  Someone will be effected.  Your ego just won't know it and that can be a good thing in itself.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't this idea from the greek word, metanoia, not just to repent but to "go into the large mind", beyond ego? The kingdom of God is within you?...Great blog Father.
