Wednesday, June 11, 2014


The Cardinal simply does not get it.  He gives his practical reasons for his palazzo apartment.  The point is, what does it symbolize, not so much its size and purpose.  It signifies an opulence, a privilege, that many a Hierarch felt was their right as Princes of the Church.  It is not so much what does Bertone think of the apartment.  The question is, what does the laity, the people in the pew think of it.  Symbol is central.  Two people just get thrown out of the church for celebrating mass without a priest and then publicizing it.  They might not have thought much of what they did, but the church responded based upon the symbol of it all.  Only the ordained can say mass.  This is a sacred cow to the guardians of orthodoxy.  Life style is a sacred cow to Pope Francis.  Bertone is missing this point.


  1. I just read about Cardinal Bertone's life.

  2. Perhaps Cardinal Bertone is a symbol of how radically the church is changing from one that serves only the rich and powerful to Pope Francis' church that serves ALL and especially the weak and poor.

    The parable about it being harder for the rich man to get to heaven - it's not because money itself is evil, it's because money creates more temptations and situations. A large beautiful house itself isn't evil - for me it's more the idea that the person who lives there is probably out of touch with everyday people.

  3. I find it odd that at the age of 80 he would want these. It doesn't fit. A more simple life I would expect.

  4. My mom is in her 80's and the interesting thing is that growing old hasn't changed her personality at all - she still wants what she has always wanted and is who she has always been. It is really interesting to watch her put on a new top or pair of pants and then turn around and check out how her rear view looks. Very important to her that the rear look "cute." She is also more into her personal comfort than ever. For my Mom 80 is the new 20.
