Sunday, June 29, 2014


I have been reading about Mercy lately.  God wants to show us mercy.  I like that.  It beats damnation.  But I have to sin first in order to get the mercy, or even experience mercy.  It goes like this: first I sin, then I sin some more. Then I realize I cannot stop on my own.  Got a bad habit at this point.  Brings me to humility.  I need God.  Now I can experience the mercy, the forgiveness unearned.  Note the first thing I have to do: sin.  Now I realize why God made me so imperfect, bordering on mess.  God wanst to show me mercy.  This kind of God I can love.  The God who is going to burn me in justice for my mess, not so much love.  Fear, yes.  Love, no.  The problem is not our sins.  The problem is that we cannot get to the humble part.  We keep thinking, "I will do better next time."  God gave me desperation, not power.


  1. Some of us never get to the humility part

  2. "First there is the fall, then there is the recovery from the fall. Both are the grace of God."

    Julian of Norwich I believe.
